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3 Beginner Photography Mistakes & How to Fix Them

 3 Beginner Photography Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Photography is an art as well as a great skill. With enough experience and practice, one can take stunning photos and amaze others. However, for beginners, photography can be daunting and confusing. Problems often occur when beginners start holding the camera, choose the right mode and settings, and pay attention to the atmosphere. Here, we'll cover three common photography mistakes that beginners often make and how to fix them.


Common Beginner Photography Mistakes


Using Auto Mode Takes Too Long

The automatic mode on the camera gives complete control to the camera when shooting. It will automatically determine the shutter speed, ISO, and aperture so that beginners can take photos without having to adjust the camera settings first. However, automatic mode sometimes does not produce optimal photo results. Sometimes, beginners don't realize that auto mode also has limitations and may limit the potential of beginners in photography.


To fix this error, beginners need to learn the basics of manual camera settings. Switch the setting mode to manual mode and set the camera settings manually. Understanding exposure settings such as shutter speed, ISO, and aperture will help beginners to adjust the camera to the background situation.


Not Paying Attention to Image Composition

Composition is the way someone arranges the elements in an image or photo. In order to take a good photo, it is important to pay attention to how the elements in the image or photo are arranged. Some examples of composition techniques commonly used include the rule of thirds, symmetry and asymmetry. However, beginners often forget or don't pay attention to how to arrange elements in an image or photo.


To correct this mistake, beginners must learn basic composition techniques in photography. The rule of thirds is one of the most important composition techniques used by professional photographers. This rule divides the footage into three vertical and three horizontal sections that form a grid. Place important elements on one of the lines or intersections so that the subject stands out and is interesting.


Not Using Proper Lighting

Light has a great influence on photography. Light not only affects exposure, but also affects the mood of the image or photo. The biggest mistake that beginners often make is using inappropriate lighting. Different colors can affect people's feelings when they see photos. If you use the wrong lights or colors, the photos will look bad and unpleasant.


To correct this error, beginners should learn more about lighting and proper light balancing techniques. Understand how to use flash properly and learn how the correct complaint management technique works. The use of the right color in lighting must also be considered as needed.


How to Fix Beginner Photography Mistakes


Using Manual Mode

Switch the setting mode on the camera to manual mode. In manual mode, beginners have full control over the camera. Beginners can adjust camera settings as needed to produce photos that better suit the background.


Tips for using manual mode:


Decide what you want to appear in the image or photo

Choose a shutter speed

Select ISOs

Adjust aperture

How to understand exposure settings:


Pay attention to the shutter speed to maintain the greed and clarity of the image.

Adjust the camera ISO to make the image brighter or darker.

Use aperture to control depth of field to make the main subject stand out.

Paying Attention to Image Composition

The rule of thirds technique is a common way of organizing image composition. This divides the image into three vertical lines and three horizontal lines which form a grid. Move the main subject in this section or at the cut of each area to make the image look more dynamic and interesting.


Tips for practicing the rule of thirds:


Choose a main subject

Think of the dividing lines as center lines

Note where the subject is located in which area is more appropriate

How to understand the rule of thirds:


Cut the image into horizontal and vertical sections using the grid

Move the main subject to an area of the grid or at an intersection to make the main subject stand out

Consider where other elements are in the image or photo

Using the Right Lighting

Understand lighting techniques, use of flash, and balance the right light so that the photos get better. Pay attention to brightness, color temperature and contrast in order to display a more realistic image.

Tips for using proper lighting:


Avoid using flash directly

Use metering to correct dim lighting and silhouettes

Choose the right exposure for the subject

How to understand color temperature and brightness:


Increase the light when the image is too dark or increase the ISO when the image is too dark

Tungsten lighting can produce colors that appear warm and dark

Use LED lighting to display more accurate colors

Conclusions & Suggestions

Photography is a topic that will continue to grow and has become an inseparable part of our lives. Mastering photography is a rewarding and very useful skill. The three most common mistakes beginners make in photography are using auto mode too often, not paying attention to the composition of the image, and not using the right lighting. To correct this mistake, beginners must adopt manual settings on the camera, use proper composition techniques, and master lighting techniques. By practicing these tips, beginners can become much better photographers, and produce better and more stunning photos.


About the style of de Photography

ala de Photography is a photography company located in Jakarta, Indonesia. With a professional and experienced team in photography, they are ready to help you capture your special moments in the form of photos or videos.


Currently, they provide a variety of photography services, including pre-wedding photos, weddings, general portfolio, and video services are also available. If you need photography services for these services, ala de Photography can be the right solution to take your best pictures.


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